Blog: Self-Help Posts on REBT

Combating Political Intolerance with REBT

Intolerance is a global issue, not confined to any one nation. It manifests in various forms and is directed at different targets, leading to divisions among family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Even before the recent assassination attempt on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, a longstanding personal concern of mine is the inability of my fellow … Read more

Overcoming Emotional Problems Related to Spending, Saving and Investing Money Using REBT

I recently read in the Wall Street Journal about a new legion of “therapists” practicing “financial therapy.” These mental health practitioners aim to help individuals and couples with emotional and behavioral problems related to money management. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is well qualified to help people with these types of issues because many of these … Read more

Happy Birthday to Me; My Annual Shame-Attack Celebrating My 64th Birthday

Each year, on my birthday, June 9th, I celebrate with a shame-attacking exercise. Unconditional self-acceptance is cultivated and maintained by shame-attacking exercises that take you out of your comfort zone in interpersonal situations. They assist you in giving up an unhealthy need for approval from others and enable you to provide yourself with perhaps the greatest gift … Read more

Q & A Hour on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy – Dr. Windy Dryden and Dr. Walter J. Matweychuk

Celebrating 200 Consecutive Zoom Demonstrations of REBT To celebrate the 200th consecutive Saturday Rational Emotive Behavioral Conversation Hour hosted by Dr. Walter J. Matweychuk on Zoom, a Q&A session was held with leading REBT author and psychologist Dr. Windy Dryden. During this hour, they answer audience questions about the pioneering form of cognitive behavioral therapy, … Read more

How to Survive When Your Adult Child Cuts You Out of Their Life

My weekly therapy discussions with patients inspire some of my Intermittent Reinforcement emails. One particularly challenging problem parents request help with is when an adult child rejects them and refuses to have anything to do with them. Parents suffer tremendously when this occurs and often experience powerlessness, bitterness, anger, and hurt. Sadly, a parent cannot … Read more

Professional Adult Children with Uneducated Parents – Resolving the Tension with REBT

My emails aim to show how Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) can apply to different problems. In this piece, I will address how adult children with advanced education sometimes face interpersonal and emotional struggles with less well-educated parents. I will also show how they can feel healthy negative emotions like disappointment and sadness when they are … Read more