Conversations on REBT with Dr. Windy Dryden 

From time to time, I hold discussions on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy with my good friend, co-author, and esteemed colleague Dr. Windy Dryden. Below are three such conversations, the first held on July 17th, 2021, the second on Christmas Day, December 25th, 2021, and the third on Christmas Eve, December 24th 2022. Anyone interested in learning more about REBT and understanding this therapy and philosophy can profit from listening to these discussions. REBT is a psychoeducational approach, and to use it well, one needs to understand its core ideas. In these discussions, we discuss the therapy, its core ideas, applying it, and other aspects of REBT. In the July 17th, 2021 discussion, we cover the rationale of our preferential use of the word attitudes instead of beliefs. We also discuss the reasons why it might be better to use “attitudes of unbearability” instead of the more traditional phrases of “low discomfort tolerance” or “low frustration tolerance.” We also discuss what is meant by healthy anger and how it differs from unhealthy anger.