Cultivating Unconditional Life Acceptance to Increase Life Satisfaction

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy emphasizes three forms of acceptance: unconditional self-acceptance, unconditional other acceptance, and unconditional life acceptance. It is essential to recognize the importance of cultivating unconditional life acceptance. Unconditional life acceptance may be the form of acceptance least spoken of in REBT. Unconditional life acceptance is the antidote for self-pity, depression, anger, and … Read more

Maximizing the Use of Time with REBT’s Healthy Attitudes

  Benjamin Franklin said, “Time waits for no one.” Everyone faces time-related challenges. Humans easily disturb themselves about time, making themselves less efficient in utilizing this precious resource. Failing to use your time well is self-defeating; upsetting yourself for wasting time leads to inefficient use of time, undermining your goals. Time only goes forward, and you do … Read more

The Power of Perseverance – REBT Helps Sustain Effort & Enthusiasm for Your Long-Term Goals

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a system of ideas you can apply to achieve desired emotional and behavioral change. Long-term goals that aim to boost life satisfaction require effort sustained over time. I like to think of sustained effort over time as the power of perseverance. Achieving a long-term goal is a process. One needs to … Read more

Fail Like Picasso Did with REBT

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. Pablo Picasso  In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), we encourage people to risk failing at goals and dreams. In many ways, it is good to fail. When we fail, we have attempted to do something that … Read more

Bearing the”Unbearable” with REBT

I made a prosperous voyage when I suffered a shipwreck. Zeno of Citium Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, REBT, is a system of ideas aimed at helping you bear adversity. REBT encourages you to change what you can as you see fit, but sadly, there is much in life you cannot change. The philosophical solution … Read more