What attitude will bring out my best as I face this adversity?

Healthy Attitude toward Adversity

I wish there were a quick fix for my problems, but sadly, there are none. There are also no perfect solutions to any dilemma. Different solutions have different tradeoffs. When I am upset, I fail to appreciate my emotional choices. I can make myself miserable or have a healthy emotional response to adversity that enables me to abstract the good from my adverse circumstances. REBT does not advocate positive thinking. REBT encourages realistic thinking. It is a tough-minded approach to adversity.

Disputing questions:

What attitude will bring out my best as I face this adversity?

How would I feel and act if I adopted the attitude that would bring out the best in me as I face this adversity?

What stops me from adopting this better attitude?

How can I overcome my tendency to stubbornly resist adopting the attitude that will bring out the best in me?

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