ULifeline.org & Achieving Your Personal Potential

I wanted to share with my blog readers a great resource for college students.  The resource is ULifeline.org and it is a place where college students can learn about various emotional and behavioral problems they encounter. The site integrates appealing videos and covers topics like alcohol and drugs, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, cutting, depression, eating disorders, emotional health, schizophrenia, stress, and suicidal behavior. There is a Self Evaluator which was developed for ULifeline by Duke University School of Medicine. This tool screens for thirteen of the most common mental health conditions that college students face. If wish to get a better idea if your behavior or the behavior of a friend may require professional assistance you may want to take this Self Evaluator and use it to find help on your campus or over the phone.


In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy I always tell people that shame and a lack of information too often stop people from getting the help they could use to reach their potential. I encourage you to unconditionally accept yourself with whatever emotional or behavioral problem you may be experiencing and shamelessly get the information and help you need to reach your personal potential. Ulifeline.org is a great online resource and I strongly encourage you to visit it today.

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