The Principle of Emotional Responsibility

Remember the principle of Emotional Responsibility which is the foundation of REBT philosophy. It is a liberating principle if you push yourself to implement it. Other people only give you an opportunity to get disturbed and upset. YOU make yourself upset over what other people do or fail to do. Rather than trying to change others first work on changing you. This is a rational and practical approach because people generally do what they want and not what you want. Then you can try to speak to the other person and that other person may or may not conform to your wishes.


People make themselves upset when they rigidly and illogically think:

Because I have a simple request, a fair request, or a good idea my partner absolutely SHOULD do what I am asking them to do.

Try this instead:

Yes I have a simple request which I believe to be the better way to proceed but that does not mean my partner must agree with me. I want them to see the light and do what I want but they do not absolutely have to do so. If they do not do what I think is better I can try to persuade them to see things my way but in the end I may very well fail. Fallible humans do not always come around to my point of view even when I am right. That is why we call them fallible humans. If I want to live well with fallible humans I better watch the silent shoulds, oughts, and musts that I sneak into my thinking. These demands are at the core of my emotional disturbance.

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