1. Emotional Responsibility: People give me opportunities to get upset but I disturb myself over their misbehavior and can choose not to do so.
2. Unconditional Self-Acceptance: It is best to only rate my performances but to never rate myself as a person. I can accept myself warts and all.
3. Uncertainty Tolerance: I dislike uncertainty but it is possible to live with it. I can take calculated risks to achieve my goals even though I may fail.
4. Discomfort Tolerance: Frustration and discomfort are difficult to bear. I can stand & will bear frustration and discomfort in order to achieve my long term goals. Long-term hedonism maximizes my pleasure in life.
5. Self-Direction: I can choose to make my own choices in life. I am responsible for the outcome of my decisions and choices.
6. Vitally Absorbing Interests: I am most likely to experience happiness when working towards important and meaningful long-term goals.
7. Tolerance of Life’s Difficulties: I never have to disturb myself over the difficulties of life. I can have some happiness despite ongoing problems.
8. Nonperfectionism: I am a fallible human, a born mistake-maker. I will not demand perfection of myself but I will use my mistakes and errors to learn.
9. Desiring but Never Needing External Approval: I want approval but I do not need approval from significant others. I can act without approval.
10. Anti-Awfulizing Perspective: Many very bad things occur in life but it never helps to traumatize myself by wrongly defining them as awful.