Surviving Inescapable Conditions

“When confronted with a situation which we cannot change, we are then challenged to change ourselves.”


Viktor Frankl, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Viktor Frankl survived a network of Nazi concentration and extermination camps. His book Man’s Search For Meaning describes his ordeal and how his own beliefs and internal coping capacities allowed him to carry on despite a very grim reality. His message is very consistent with the message of REBT. Use your capacity to think rationally about inescapable conditions so that you can bear them until you can change them. For anyone who is facing a difficult or inescapable situation, REBT can help you experience growth and the necessary strength to bear such inescapable situations until you can change them. Study REBT and read Dr. Frankl’s book if you wish to learn how you too can cope with inescapable situations. You have this capacity but you need to develop it and REBT shows you how.

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