Research On REBT Theory & Practice

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is an evidence based, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT). Here are links to important research articles on REBT:

1. The efficacy/effectiveness of REBT, a meta-analysis of 50 years of research on REBT:
2. Research on Rational Beliefs:
3. Research on Irrational Beliefs:
4. Additional research articles:

Training Programs Albert Ellis Institute

Professionals who are interested in being trained in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy can attend one of the professional training programs at the Institute in New York City. These programs are offered throughout the year and there are also formal training opportunities to participate as an intern or fellow of the Institute. 

Click here for the 3 day training programs.

Click here for information on how to apply to do an internship or fellowship at the Institute.