Remember to Use the ABC Model Today

Remember to apply the ABC model to any negative state affairs you encounter today. Before you unpack your emotional upset, pause and take a deep breath through your nose and exhale your breath slowly out through your mouth. Make this your first act when you encounter adversity. Then break down the emotional episode by identifying:

(A) Adversity: The negative state of affairs you are facing.

(B) Basic Attitudes: Look for your Musts and Absolute Shoulds.

(C) Consequences: Identify your unhealthy feelings, behaviors, and self-defeating thinking consequences.

Then slow down, take another deep breath and ask yourself:

  • Is my rigid attitude serving me well as I face reality?


  • What attitude would serve me better as I face reality?


  • What attitude would I want my child to hold in this situation?


  • If I was in an adaptive mindset, what would I think, do, and say or not say right now? Then pause, take another deep breath and implement this better stance to adversity.

Remember coping with reality more effectively takes work and practice. Stay committed to your REBT philosophy and skills. Practice your REBT flexible and non-extreme attitudes and skills today.

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