Q & A Hour on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy – Dr. Windy Dryden and Dr. Walter J. Matweychuk

Celebrating 200 Consecutive Zoom Demonstrations of REBT

To celebrate the 200th consecutive Saturday Rational Emotive Behavioral Conversation Hour hosted by Dr. Walter J. Matweychuk on Zoom, a Q&A session was held with leading REBT author and psychologist Dr. Windy Dryden. During this hour, they answer audience questions about the pioneering form of cognitive behavioral therapy, which originated with Dr. Albert Ellis in 1956.
I want to thank Dr. Dryden for his willingness to join us on Saturday. I also would like to thank the 200 volunteers who have courageously volunteered each week to discuss a personal problem in front of a live audience. Your courage has enabled me to demonstrate the power of REBT and its applicability to emotional and behavioral problems. I hope more people will join this weekly demonstration session and that people worldwide will learn how to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy’s powerful and practical ideas.
Please help me in my mission to keep this powerful system of ideas alive by informing your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues about this weekly demonstration. By watching regularly, taking advantage of the free self-help audios and videos on my website, REBTDoctor.com, and reading books about REBT, nearly everyone can learn to help themselves using REBT regardless of their financial situation.

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