Dr. Ellis’s Letter Of Recommendation / Thank You Letter From Harvard University Scientists

Below you will find a letter of recommendation written by Dr. Albert Ellis. He was the originator of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. For several years I was in residence at his Institute, where I had the good fortune to receive his direct clinical training in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
On May 20th, 2021, I gave a keynote address to approximately 200 Harvard medical researchers at their annual retreat. My lecture was Changing What You Can Change and Accepting What You Cannot In Times of Adversity. It was an honor to have the rare opportunity to introduce Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to such a prestigious group of medical researchers not in the field of mental health, who had an interest in learning how REBT might apply to their lives and careers to help them cope with adversity. Below you will find a lovely letter of thanks sent to me by the co-chair of the committee organizing the event. You may also wish to listen to an audio recording of this lecture.