Contact Information
Please feel to call, send an email, or fill out the contact form below for more information. There are many levels of expertise found in those providing psychological services. Psychological services are an investment and you should do your homework and learn about the level of training a practitioner has achieved. I am licensed as a psychologist in Pennsylvania and New York. I am a doctoral level clinical psychologist and adjunct professor of applied psychology. I hold positions at the University of Pennsylvania Health System in the outpatient psychiatry department of the Perelman School of Medicine and I am an adjunct professor of applied psychology at New York University. I have been extensively trained by the originator of cognitive behavior therapy, Dr. Albert Ellis. I have worked closely over several years with Dr. Aaron T. Beck the founder of Beck’s Cognitive Behavior Therapy. I am an expert on Rational Behavior Therapy and cognitive behavior therapy as a result of having worked closely with these two pioneers of cognitive behavior therapy. I have practiced psychotherapy now for 27 years. I believe in being transparent so please feel free to use this website to learn more about me and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Also free free to call and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have on my background and on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy so that you can be an informed consumer of psychological services.
New York Office Location:
71 Park Avenue, Suite 1C
New York, NY 10016

Phone: 212-750-2826 to schedule an appointment
Note: REBT is distinct from other cognitive behavior counseling. I urge you to become an informed consumer. Please read and think about my article on this site “Why Choose REBT?” Then make an appointment, meet me and see for yourself.