Call Procrastination What It Is – A Cop Out

If you are looking to overcome procrastination keep in mind a few basic ideas. If you must do something perfectly well or demand to even know how to do it perfectly well before you start doing a task you will avoid the task. Often people have beliefs like:

1. It is too hard…
2. It should be easier…
3. I can’t stand…
4. I have to do it perfectly…
5. It is too hard to start even though I know a body in motion tends to stay in motion while a body at rest tends to stay at rest.
6. I would rather distract myself with food, TV, drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. and it is just unbearable to get started.

7. I don’t know where to begin…Call procrastination what it is – a cop out. Don’t perfume it or look for easy answers. Don’t condemn yourself as that will not help. Instead push yourself and talk to yourself sanely, maturely, and rationally. What we say and think determines how we feel and then behave. Don’t think about the causes of your procrastination too long. It is not much of a mystery. Procrastination is an attempt to stay comfortable and to deny the long term consequences of your self-defeating behavior which is avoidance. See your procrastinating ways for what they are – a path to misery. Achievement feels good so get cracking!

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