Overcoming Introversion and Shyness

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy offers hope for those who are shy and introverted. Shyness and introversion are words we use to describe people who experience anxiety in social situations. Due to this anxiety these people avoid attempting to join others in social situations and making friends. Very often shy and introverted people feel depressed as … Read more

Enhancing Frustration & Discomfort Tolerance

The best way to understand low frustration tolerance and low discomfort tolerance (also known as discomfort disturbance) is to appreciate some of the beliefs that give rise to these self-defeating responses:   ·        I must not be frustrated. I cannot bear to be frustrated. ·        I must be comfortable now. I cannot bear to be … Read more

Ellis on Frustrating Life Conditions

How would you function more effectively in life if you followed the below advice?   “Instead of telling myself that frustrating conditions absolutely must not occur in my life, I’ll convince myself that these conditions must exist when they do exist, that I can cope with them, that I can try to change them, and … Read more

Unhealthy Anger Leads to Self-Defeat

Unhealthy anger is self-defeating. When angry we are inclined to say things we later regret, do self-defeating things, not consider the long term consequences of our behavior, and experience a reduction in our ability to think creatively. Anger also leads to violence. Anger might feel good in the short run but more often than not … Read more

Rejection Never Has to Lead to Self-Rejection

The ability to effectively cope with rejection is an important part of emotional health. From cradle to grave rejection will inevitably occur as we cannot be everyone’s “cup of tea” in all circumstances. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is an effective tool for coping with the inevitable rejections of life. When rejection occurs (whether that be … Read more

Overcoming Traumas of the Past

Question: Are psychodynamic and other forms of analytical therapy that focus on my past trauma more helpful and better than Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy?   Answer: No. Although it is true that psychodynamic and other forms of therapy focus on your past and early childhood rearing do not assume this is better for you. In … Read more

Humans Are Disturbable by Nature and Nurture

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) starts with the premise that fallible humans have the capacity to think rationally but they have an equally strong, if not stronger capacity, to think irrationally and to disturb themselves. All humans are biologically prone to emotional disturbance and our task in life is to effectively respond to our innate … Read more

Thinking Rationally About Your Partner’s Misbehavior

Use the ABC model of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to think sensibly about your partner’s misbehavior. A stands for activating event. B stands for beliefs. C stands for emotional and behavioral consequences. Look for the Musts/Shoulds/Oughts/Have tos that constitute rigid thinking at point B. This is known as Demandingness in REBT. Also look for the … Read more

Understanding Awfulizing

In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy we teach that there are four irrational beliefs. The primary irrational belief is known as demandingness. An example would be to think that a certain bad event must not exist. REBT theory teaches that once you make a demand you are also likely to engage in one of three additional … Read more