First Control What You Really Can Control

First Control What You Really Can Control 1/2/2015 In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) we emphasize controlling what an individual can control. Often patients request help in responding to other people. Patients report that the other person in their life is unfairly criticizing, mistreating, disrespecting, insulting, or hurting them in some way. The patient then […]

Anger Hurts You

Anger is a terribly self-defeating emotion. In my sessions with patients I do my best to show them how to give up their unhealthy feelings of anger. People have great difficulty letting go of anger but it never helps them cope with their problems or a problematic relationship.   Sometimes people get angry at themselves. … Read more

Surviving Inescapable Conditions

“When confronted with a situation which we cannot change, we are then challenged to change ourselves.”   Viktor Frankl, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Viktor Frankl survived a network of Nazi concentration and extermination camps. His book Man’s Search For Meaning describes his ordeal and how his own beliefs and internal coping capacities allowed him to carry … Read more

Safer Sex Fatigue & Low Discomfort Tolerance

In today’s world it is prudent to practice safer sex strategies. Sexually transmitted diseases too often have significant implications for those who contract them. The CDC reports that “studies of sexually transmitted diseases and sexual behaviors suggest a resurgent HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men.”1 The CDC goes on to say that … Read more

Adapting To Misfortune

REBT teaches people to see that their beliefs about the misfortunes of life have a profound impact on their emotional and behavioral reactions. Rigid beliefs about life’s adversities will produce self-defeating emotional upset. In REBT we distinguish between appropriate and healthy feelings of sadness and unhealthy feelings of sadness, depression, despair. When very bad things … Read more