REBT Coping Statement of the Day

Example Problem: You are an adult but your older sister treats you like a child. ABC Analysis of This Problem Your Goal: To be treated like an adult with respect. To be treated by your older sister as an equal. (A) Adversity: You perceive your old sister to be treating you like a child when … Read more

You May Get It If You Persist at It

If you have a personal goal Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) can help you achieve it. REBT is a broadly applicable philosophy of life and a broadly applicable psychotherapy. Whether you are looking to find love, overcome an addiction, achieve in your career, raise emotionally well-adjusted children or better manage your self-defeating emotions REBT can … Read more

Intellectual Insight vs. Emotional Insight

You May Get It If You Persist at It 5/26/2015           If you have a personal goal Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) can help you achieve it. REBT is a broadly applicable philosophy of life and a broadly applicable psychotherapy. Whether you are looking to find love, overcome an addiction, achieve […]

Humans Try to Avoid Discomfort or Maintain Comfort and Often Perfume this Self-Defeating Behavior with “Pseudo-Work”

My mentor and fellow REBT psychologist, Dr. Windy Dryden, has written a superb book entitled How to Come out of Your Comfort Zone. He argues that we have two strong instincts and those are to either try to avoid discomfort or maintain comfort. He points out that these instincts are not self-defeating as long as … Read more

A Concise Version of REBT Theory

The key to coping well with life’s adversities is to question your rigid and extreme beliefs. Rigidity and extreme beliefs lead to unhealthy negative emotions. The unhealthy negative emotions and their healthy counterparts are listed below:   1. anxiety (vs. healthy concern) 2. depression (vs. healthy sadness, sorrow) 3. shame (vs. healthy disappointment) 4. guilt … Read more

Coping with Distasteful Behavior in Others

Coping with Distasteful Behavior in Others 3/9/2015 Realize that other people really do not make you upset. We make ourselves upset over what others do, fail to do, or how they disappoint us. This is the emotionally liberating message of REBT. Our rigid and extreme beliefs about what people do are really what ‘hurts’ us. […]