The Principle of Emotional Responsibility

Remember the principle of Emotional Responsibility which is the foundation of REBT philosophy. It is a liberating principle if you push yourself to implement it. Other people only give you an opportunity to get disturbed and upset. YOU make yourself upset over what other people do or fail to do. Rather than trying to change … Read more

Becoming Your Own REBT Therapist

The theory of REBT places a strong emphasis on personal responsibility, self-acceptance, and self-direction. ​I encourage you​ to hold yourself​ personally responsible for ​your self-defeating ​emotional and behavioral reactions in response to the adversities of life. ​I encourage you​ to unconditionally accept ​yourself​ even when others reject ​you ​or disapprove of ​you​. ​I​ encourage ​you​ … Read more

Taking Control of You not Them

REBT encourages you to adopt the principle of emotional responsibility. This is the notion that other people provide us with an opportunity to experience upset. It is the beliefs we hold ABOUT what they do which lead to our emotional upset. In short you make yourself upset over the misbehavior of other people. Keep your … Read more

Rating the Deed Not the Person

Work on rating behavior not rating people as people. So rate what you like about what you and others do. Rate what you do not like about what you and other people do. When we rate behaviors and characteristics of people we will tend not to experience unhealthy anger, guilt, shame, or unhealthy envy. This … Read more

Other People Misbehave But You Upset Yourself

REBT is a problem focused therapy. It is aimed at solving emotional and behavioral problems. People derive insight along the way but the goal is to help people eliminate self-defeating emotions and behaviors. Ask yourself:   – What emotions do I experience that are self-defeating? (Pick from anger, depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, unhealthy envy, and unhealthy … Read more

Ten Sensible Ideas REBT Teaches You

Ten Sensible Ideas REBT Teaches You 7/14/2015 1.        Emotional Responsibility: People give me opportunities to get upset but I disturb myself over their misbehavior and can choose not to do so. 2.      Unconditional Self-Acceptance: It is best to only rate my performances but to never rate myself as a person. I can accept […]

Self-Pity & Low Discomfort – A Deadly Combo

Quote Consistent with REBT Philosophy 6/24/2015 Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Abraham Lincoln Self-Pity & Low Discomfort – A Deadly Combo 6/15/2015 0 Comments When I worked with Dr. Albert Ellis in New York City years ago he emphasized the concept of discomfort tolerance. He tirelessly […]