The Value of Deliberately Seeking Discomfort

A core idea of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is the concept of discomfort disturbance. REBT is the one cognitive behavior therapy that puts the issue of emotional disturbance over being uncomfortable front and center in psychotherapy. Ellis argued the human condition is to desire to seek a constant state of comfort. There is nothing … Read more

The Race to Anger You Want to Lose

Unhealthy anger comes from holding a rigid and extreme belief about a wish, want, or value you have. So you might think “I wish to be treated fairly AND you absolutely must do so.” REBT maintains anger is a very self-destructive human emotion. It blinds the holder of anger and also corrodes human relationships. It also has a commanding, arrogant, and righteous quality … Read more

“You can only be a ‘victim’ of yourself. It’s all how you discipline your mind.” – Epictetus

REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) is based on the teachings of Stoic philosophers and is a mix of ancient and modern philosophy packaged for coping with problems of everyday living. The first principle of REBT is known as the Principle of Emotional Responsibility. This principle states that you largely make yourself upset. You bring to … Read more

You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius

“You can only be a ‘victim’ of yourself. It’s all how you discipline your mind.” – Epictetus 2/23/2016 REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) is based on the teachings of Stoic philosophers and is a mix of ancient and modern philosophy packaged for coping with problems of everyday living. The first principle of REBT is known as […]

A Counterintuitive Way to Improve Relationship Difficulties

A Counterintuitive Way to Improve Relationship Difficulties 1/14/2016 Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) gives couples who seek help for a problematic relationship some counterintuitive advice. In REBT couples counseling I ask a simple question – “If you could change two things about yourself that would help this relationship what would they be?” This question redirects […]

Two Ideas Worth Spreading

People will live far better with themselves and others if they abandon the concept of self-esteem and adopt the concepts of Unconditional Self and Other Acceptance. People create their own emotional disturbance by evaluating both what they and others do and then conditionally accepting themselves and others if and only if they do well. This … Read more

23 Sensible Ideas REBT Teaches

23 Sensible Ideas REBT Teaches 12/30/2015 1.    Your beliefs matter. They have consequences. When Adversity strikes you bring Beliefs to the Adversity and there are emotional Consequences. This is the famous ABC model of Emotion pioneered by Albert Ellis. 2.    Rigid and Extreme beliefs are at the core of emotional disturbance while Flexible and Non-extreme […]

Manage Your Anger Before It Manages You

Manage Your Anger Before It Manages You 9/25/2015 “Deciding to live your life with less anger may be one of the most important decisions you will ever make.” – Albert Ellis, Ph.D.​ In REBT I teach that anger is an extremely self-defeating emotion. It is easy for humans to experience anger but this does not […]

How Not to Drive Yourself Crazy When You Enjoy Thanksgiving With Your Family

Remember people do what they do. If you respond with righteous, dogmatic anger that self-defeating emotion is constructed by you. This is not to blame you or condemn you but to encourage you to adopt the Principle of Emotional Responsibility. Remind yourself that others give you an opportunity to make yourself upset. Your rigid musts, … Read more