Ready Your Mind for the Day

Ready you mind for the day. Adversity will sooner or later find you. The question is what attitude will you take towards it? Will you demand that people be as you think they absolutely should be, that life has to be as you want it to be and that you must perform as brilliantly as you wish to perform? Hold these rigid … Read more

We All are Slow Changers

It is important that I remind you how hard it is to change. People sometimes get down because they are finding it difficult to change and they think REBT is failing them. REBT is not failing you. This is true because nature has not made change an easy accomplishment. Change is new learning and the … Read more

REBT In Nutshell

There are few things REBT teaches you and encourages you to work on:   1. Building unconditional self-acceptance and other-acceptance 2. Building discomfort and frustration tolerance 3. Learning to be responsible for your emotions and your behavioral reactions to disappointments, failures, and adversity. Don’t blame your reactions on events or other people. This is a … Read more

The Seductive Emotion of Anger

The Seductive Emotion of Anger 4/26/2017 In the morning anticipate adversities and situations which will tempt an angry response from you. By thinking in advance you can formulate responses that will help you to respond effectively, not angrily, to such challenges. Remember that people’s misbehavior, however you choose to define misbehavior, contributes but does not ever […]

The Dynamic Duo of Achieving Success

Keep working on your low discomfort tolerance. Impatience is self-defeating. Life takes time. Stay with a goal and you will achieve it or come real close which will have ample rewards. The goals we generally fail at are the ones we quit on. Make your mantra “It is difficult and uncomfortable to sustain effort but not … Read more

Show Me the Money

Show Me the Money 3/9/2017 Talk is cheap. It is easy to parrot the philosophy of REBT. It is very easy for anyone to say the following REBT ideas: 1. I disturb myself when I face a difficult challenge. 2. I can accept myself even if I misbehave and then work real hard to curb […]

Liberating Yourself from Self-Imposed Emotional and Behavioral Slavery Using REBT

​No slavery is more worthy of scorn than one which is self-imposed. Whenever we hold an attitude that includes absolutistic musts, shoulds, have to’s, need to’s and oughts we create self-imposed emotional and behavioral slavery. For example: I need his or her and love and approval. – (approval and love slavery) vs. I want his or … Read more

He Who Angers Thyself Defeats Thyself

He Who Angers Thyself Defeats Thyself 2/17/2017 Anger is nearly always self-defeating. It blocks creativity and persistence at solving problems. It leads to impulsive behavior that feels good in the short run but often has very negative consequences in the long run. It corrodes relationships or causes them to end suddenly in heated argument. Anger […]