How to Stop Awfulizing & Start Coping

How to Stop Awfulizing & Start Coping 12/30/2016 Strive to work on one of the more challenging irrational and self-defeating attitudinal processes in REBT known as awfulizing. People often resist this self-helping recommendation but if you give it real thought and work with it you will reap many benefits. With this concept, we mean that […]

Own Your Emotional Upset

Keep the ABC model of REBT (see below photo)  in mind as you encounter Adversity throughout your day. Ask yourself: 1. Is my emotional and behavioral reaction to this adversity unhealthyself-defeating or healthyself-helping? 2. If it is unhealthy ask – What is the rigid attitude or extreme attitude that is leading me to disturb myself about this adversity? – Also … Read more

Reactive vs. Proactive REBT – Different Applications of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a practical and focused approach to problems of everyday living. REBT can be used in a reactive way whereby we strive to use it to respond to life’s adversities, disappointments, setbacks, failures, injustices etc. This is how REBT is most often demonstrated. People present a problem and the REBT … Read more

Emotional Responsibility vs. Emotional Victimization

People who avoid misery and work at changing what can be changed when adversity strikes all employ REBT’s Principle of Emotional Responsibility. Simply stated this principle asserts that people make themselves disturbed about obstacles, adversities, injustices, mistreatment, ill health, disabilities etc., etc. If you employ this principle and take responsibility for your emotional and behavioral … Read more

Conviction Follows Action It Does Not Precede It

Rigid attitudes like “You must treat me nicely” or “Life conditions must be relatively hassle-free and fair to me” do not change reality. These rigid attitudes do change OUR emotional reaction to reality. Most people quickly see this point and how flexible attitudes do not clash with reality. For example, “I want you to treat me nicely but you do … Read more

Today’s Example of Using REBT’s ABC Model to Dispute an Awfulizing Attitude in Response to Rejection

​Let us face it we all get rejected. Learning to live well with rejection is an essential emotional skill if you are planning on experiencing emotional health over the course of your life. Below is an ABC analysis of rejection to help you better understand how awfulizing will lead to an unhealthy emotional reaction to … Read more

Today’s Example of Disputing an Irrational Attitude towards Uncomfortable Life Conditions

Here is a rigid, self-defeating, irrational attitude that fallible humans commonly use to create emotional disturbance when the going gets rough in life: “The world and my living conditions must be comfortable, gratifying, and just, providing me with all that I want in life.” REBT Disputing Questions: Where is it written that the world and … Read more