The Power of Acceptance

Keep reminding yourself that you disturb yourself. Strongly tell yourself at that tempting moment when you want to engage in irrational thinking, irrational emoting and self-defeating whining:   “Things do not absolutely have to be as I want them to be. I disturb myself by demanding reality to be as I think it absolutely should … Read more

The Bottom Line

Nothing AND no one have to be the way I want them to be. ​This is the bottom line. The sooner we all get this into our thick, fallible heads the more serenity we all will enjoy and perhaps we all will start working together a bit better. Try it!

Turn the Rational Key & Liberate Yourself from Your Emotional Prison

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy appeals to me, and hopefully sooner or later to you as well, because it is a liberating philosophy AND psychotherapy. It is self-liberating. It emphasizes choice, self-responsibility from emotional disturbance and self-direction. This is why I practice it on myself and teach it to others. The premise in REBT is that … Read more

Errare Humanum Est

Errare Humanum Est 6/20/2017 You are a human being, a living process that does many things over the course of a lifetime. Humans are inclined to myopically focus on their errors and missteps missing the forest from the trees. Live in the present and learn from the past so you do not repeat missteps in […]

REBT as a Transformative Process

In REBT I not only attempt to help you reduce unwanted feelings and behaviors that bring you to consult a psychologist but I seek to help facilitate a more enduring, profound, transformative change. Ellis called this a profound philosophical change. Some people now are speaking of transformative experiences. What do we mean by this in … Read more