The Citadel of the Mind

The Citadel of the Mind 11/27/2017 “The mind, unconquered by violent passions, is a citadel, for a man has no fortress more impregnable in which to find refuge and remain safe forever.” Marcus Aurelius (Meditations, 8.48)   Marcus Aurelius knew how to help himself. He looked within instead of looking outside of himself for strength. […]

Bending is Better than Bitter

As Thanksgiving approaches it is important to work on holding rational attitudes towards family members. While working with patients all day long I am struck by the fact that roughly 90% of the problems people seek help with is their emotional reactions to other people. People seem to almost endlessly “disturb themselves” over the things others do … Read more

A Coping Philosophy for All Occasions

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Stoic Philosophy, the philosophy REBT is derived from, helps people endure hardship. Here is what I tell myself when facing adversity: “Things never have to be as I want them to be.” You too may wish to remind yourself of this simple healthy attitude. 

Control What You Can Control

Control What You Can Control 10/23/2017 Steps to take to help you favorably control your emotions in nearly any situation: 1. Ask what is within my control in facing this adversity or problem and what is outside of my control? 2. Focus on what is under your control. In Stoicism, this is called the Dichotomy of […]

The Folly of Demanding Quick Results

Keep reminding yourself that you disturb yourself when progress towards your cherished goals is slow or difficult to achieve. Strongly tell yourself at the tempting moment when you want to quit and avoid staying the course:   “Progress does not absolutely have to be quick and easy as I want it to be. I disturb … Read more