Overcoming the Shackles of Shame

Overcoming the Shackles of Shame – Dr. Matweychuk In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, we liberate people from the shackles of shame. Shame reduces your pleasure and freedom in life and is therefore considered a self-defeating, unhealthy negative emotion. REBT regards feelings as important signals which come in healthy and unhealthy pairs. The healthy alternative to … Read more

REBT Liberates You to Take Calculated Risks

Overcoming the Shackles of Shame 11/24/2018 In Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, we liberate people from the shackles of shame. Shame reduces your pleasure and freedom in life and is therefore considered a self-defeating, unhealthy negative emotion. REBT regards feelings as important signals which come in healthy and unhealthy pairs. The healthy alternative to shame is […]

3 Steps to Healthy Negative Emotions: #1 Identify & Question, #2 Evaluate Your So-called Evidence, #3 Create a New Attitude

3 Steps to Healthy Negative Emotions To use REBT to change self-defeating emotional and behavioral reactions, learn to identify your rigid and extreme attitudes, question, then change these attitudes towards adversity. Use these questions to correct your thinking and behave more effectively: 1. Is my rigid attitude, my “Must, Absolute Should”  helping me function well in … Read more

Are You a Good Person? Reconsider the Myth

3 Steps to Healthy Negative Emotions: #1 Identify & Question, #2 Evaluate Your So-called Evidence, #3 Create a New Attitude 8/22/2018 To use REBT to change self-defeating emotional and behavioral reactions, learn to identify your rigid and extreme attitudes, question, then change these attitudes towards adversity. Use these questions to correct your thinking and behave […]

Beating Backsliding After Making Hard-Earned Therapeutic Gains

Beating Backsliding After Making Hard-Earned Therapeutic Gains 7/10/2018 Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, REBT, is a very useful therapeutic approach for achieving emotional and behavioral change. REBT works when people work at it. However, it is not unreasonable to expect and prepare in advance for backsliding. Expecting the possibility of backsliding after achieving therapeutic gains is […]

Overcoming the Tyranny of Shame

Overcoming the Tyranny of Shame 6/4/2018 Shame is a potent and painful emotion for many people. It often is accompanied by anxiety, and people often find that they have problems with both of these emotions. Shame is so compelling people have committed suicide when in the throes of a shameful episode. Let’s do an ABC […]

REBT Asks a Great Deal of You and Me

REBT Asks a Great Deal of You and Me 4/18/2018 As a philosophy and psychotherapy, REBT asks a great deal of the patient and the psychotherapist. It is not a natural philosophy for the patient to adopt and practice. The message of REBT is to resist your human nature and do what is uncomfortable and […]

Drive Yourself Sane – Think About Your Thinking

Drive Yourself Sane – Dr. Walter J. Matweychuk REBT is a rebellious type of philosophy. It encourages you to question dogma. REBT argues that emotional health results from scientific thinking and flexible thinking. When we engage in uncompromising thinking, rigid thinking, antiscientific thinking, dogmatic thinking we render ourselves“unsane.” A philosopher named Alfred Korzybski coined this term. … Read more

Train Your Mind to Immediately Find the Good Within the Bad, The Opportunity Within the Adversity

Finding the Opportunity Within the Adversity – Dr. Matweychuk Once an adverse event beyond your control occurs, once you have been obstructed either by the hand of fate or the actions of another person it is prudent to be capable of immediately identifying the good within the bad, the opportunity within the obstruction. This skill … Read more