REBT Asks a Great Deal of You and Me

REBT Asks a Great Deal of You and Me 4/18/2018 As a philosophy and psychotherapy, REBT asks a great deal of the patient and the psychotherapist. It is not a natural philosophy for the patient to adopt and practice. The message of REBT is to resist your human nature and do what is uncomfortable and […]

Drive Yourself Sane – Think About Your Thinking

Drive Yourself Sane – Dr. Walter J. Matweychuk REBT is a rebellious type of philosophy. It encourages you to question dogma. REBT argues that emotional health results from scientific thinking and flexible thinking. When we engage in uncompromising thinking, rigid thinking, antiscientific thinking, dogmatic thinking we render ourselves“unsane.” A philosopher named Alfred Korzybski coined this term. … Read more

Train Your Mind to Immediately Find the Good Within the Bad, The Opportunity Within the Adversity

Finding the Opportunity Within the Adversity – Dr. Matweychuk Once an adverse event beyond your control occurs, once you have been obstructed either by the hand of fate or the actions of another person it is prudent to be capable of immediately identifying the good within the bad, the opportunity within the obstruction. This skill … Read more

You Cannot Change the Weather & You cannot Change Other People

You Cannot Change the Weather & You cannot Change Other People 2/26/2018 In REBT we encourage people to eliminate self-created emotional upset by cultivating self-acceptance and other-acceptance. We encourage unconditional person acceptance along with critically evaluating the deeds we and others carry out. The goal is to judge what people do but never to judge […]

REBT Advocates Realistic Thinking Not Pure Positive Thinking

People often think that REBT advocates positive thinking. This is not wholly true nor entirely false. REBT philosophy advances realistic thinking. Realistic thinking conforms with reality and observable data and incorporates a balanced perspective that will often include elements of the good within the bad. However, REBT is not merely advocating positive thinking. What is … Read more

Coping with Post-Holiday Blues

​Today ends what is known as the holiday season, and tomorrow most of us will return to work. In the back of our minds as the New Year’s Eve hangover lifts is the notion that the distraction of the holidays is over and we need to face and address our ongoing challenges. The good news … Read more