The Value of Healthy Negative Emotions

The Value of Healthy Negative Emotions 2/11/2020 The philosophy of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy emphasizes the importance of healthy negative emotions. When we do not get what we want, desire, or prefer, we will feel a negative emotion. It is impossible and unhealthy to feel indifferent when our wishes go unfulfilled. To feel indifferent or […]

Conquering Ego and Non-Ego Disturbance with REBT

Conquering Ego and Non-Ego Disturbance Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a philosophy and a self-help approach that empowers you to correct your self-defeating emotional and behavioral reactions. To experience healthy responses to life’s challenges, you need to understand how to evaluate and monitor your disturbed reactions and the conditions surrounding them. There are two broad … Read more

REBT Teaches You to Think for Yourself

Conquering Ego and Non-Ego Disturbance with REBT 1/25/2020 Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a philosophy and a self-help approach that empowers you to correct your self-defeating emotional and behavioral reactions. To experience healthy responses to life’s challenges, you need to understand how to evaluate and monitor your disturbed reactions and the conditions surrounding them. There […]

Snippets of REBT Ideas

Snippets of REBT Ideas 7/1/2019 I am always looking for new ways to assist people in understanding, implementing, and profiting from Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy’s core philosophical attitudes and self-change strategies. Below you will find five short statements I have made to my patients during REBT psychotherapy sessions. Review them and perhaps they will deepen […]

REBT Whiteboard Presentation

REBT Whiteboard Presentation 6/26/2019 To profit from Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), you need to have a good understanding of its fundamental principles. In this well-done whiteboard presentation, the eminent Dr. Windy Dryden clearly and concisely explains the ABC model of REBT. Watch this eight-minute video to reinforce your understanding of how your rigid attitudes […]