Actively Engage with Your Self-Defeating Thinking to Change It

In this video, I discuss how to identify your self-defeating attitudes which underpin your unhealthy emotional and behavioral reactions to adversity. I discuss how to challenge these attitudes once you have identified them. I cover the creation of a healthy alternative attitude. I close with a discussion of how best to think about and challenge … Read more

The Mindset for Achieving Long-Term Life Goals

We all have, or preferably should have, a vitally absorbing long-term, creative interest. REBT philosophy teaches that vitally absorbing interests make our lives maximally pleasurable and meaningful. Such immersive interests also probably help us maintain our emotional health as well. It is usually the case that our most personally meaningful goals and plans require sustained … Read more

Unhealthy Other-Pity When Loved Ones Suffer

It is not uncommon to encounter people who are emotionally disturbed about a parent, child, or spouse’s suffering. We love our family and often experience disturbance because we hold unrealistic attitudes towards their suffering. Usually, the individual who disturbs themselves in this way will experience either other-pity, depression, anxiety, or guilt. Experiencing these feelings may … Read more

How to Mend A Broken Heart

It is not uncommon for humans to experience a good deal of emotional disturbance after a romantic relationship ends. Whether we decide to end the relationship or the person we love is choosing to end the relationship, humans often suffer enormously after a romantic relationship runs its course. Friends and family may remind us that … Read more

How to Avoid Defensive Responses to Criticism

​Do you know someone who cannot take well-meaning feedback? Perhaps a family member or a colleague cannot tolerate feedback and defensively rebuts your well-meaning feedback. Have you ever defensively responded to feedback? If you wish to understand better what leads to this self-defeating interpersonal response, then read on. Better still, read on because you want … Read more

Rational Statements to Have at the Ready

The Stoic philosophers often recommended that we prepare in advance for adversity by rehearsing certain coping statements. REBT heavily borrows from Stoicism. Here are a few of REBT’s often repeated coping ideas to have at the ready at the tempting moment. The enticing moment is that moment when you face adversity and may begin to … Read more

Prisoners of Comfort

“We need prudence to avoid cheating ourselves with short-lived pleasures that cost too much; wisdom to choose the simpler pleasures that cost less and last longer.” – Epicurus Albert Ellis argued that humans have the goals of being happy and surviving. He noted that many of his patients were prisoners of comfort. He pointed out that the human … Read more